An enticement scholarship for Pre-K-12 Oklahoma Art Education Association (OAEA) members to attend an art-making workshop/experience that will assist art educators in developing their personal technical/conceptual skills in an artistic direction that they may wish to explore. The scholarship experience seeks to foster the richness of growing a personal artistic practice, enriching the educator’s spirit as an artist and serve as a strong foundation from which to share creative energy with students in the classroom.

   -Applicant is a current member of OAEA/NAEA.
   -Pre-K-12 Fine Arts Educator in the State of Oklahoma for more than 2 years.
   -Complete the scholarship application form by June 22, 2024
   -Provide a written and visual project summary and present a workshop with a project synopsis during the following Fall OAEA annual conference.
   -The quality of the workshop/art experience should aspire to further and advance one’s personal art-making skills and knowledge at a profound level.
   -Applicants will be notified by July 1, 2024 Any applicant not chosen this year should re-apply in the next grant cycle in the Spring of 2025.

Scholarship Allotment:

   -The scholarship fund is $1500 and will be allocated by the scholarship committee based upon the number and quality of applications. The distribution of funds may result in one $1500 award, two $750 awards, or any other combination that is appropriate to address the particulars of the applicant pool.
   -The fund will be dispersed with a keen-eye on representing art educators at all levels Pre-K-12 and from regions across the State.
   -Awards will be made to applicants who demonstrate a strong commitment to growing their aesthetics and craft through the choice of quality workshop/art experience that they propose.

All recipients are required to submit a workshop proposal by September 1, 2024 to present a workshop based on their experience at the OAEA Fall Conference to be held at the University of Central Oklahoma, November 15th & 16th, 2024.

Link to the Grant Evaluation Rubric  

Link to the Scholarship Google Form